CPR Training
with OMNI 2®
Control, Monitoring, and Debriefing Made Simple and Wireless
The new OMNI 2 features a powerful CPR training interface designed to help you monitor CPR quality in real-time and capture performance data for richer debriefing sessions. Whether you are evaluating CPR performance during a scenario-based exercise or teaching first-time learners, OMNI 2 offers you one simple tool to help you do it all.

Automatic Labor and Delivery Scenarios
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your skill-building exercises. Real-time feedback lets you easily spot and correct errors in technique to ensure quality performance.
- Real-time CPR quality metrics
- Compression depth and rate
- Ventilation rate
- Excessive ventilation
- No-flow time
- CPR cycles
- Smart coach: Audible tones help guide correct compression and ventilation rate and ratio
- Preset adult, pediatric, and neonate CPR ratios
- Virtual shock panel with cardioversion capability

Virtual Patient Monitoring for True-to-life Simulation
Add patient monitoring management objectives to train assessment and decision-making skills. The new OMNI 2 and Virtual Patient monitor allows you to simulate clinical conditions just as they appear on real monitoring devices.
- Wireless patient monitor link
- Over 25 vital sign parameters including ECG, HR, EtCO2, and more
- Includes a comprehensive ECG library with over 25 preprogrammed cardiac rhythms
- Apply sets of parameters with 1 touch

In-Depth Assessment and Debriefing
Never miss another teaching opportunity. OMNI 2 enhances assessment and debriefing by making it easy to capture CPR performance quality and key events.
- Easily track individual and team actions using interactive key events
- eCPR™ Performance Report provides you averages for each CPR metric to aid in the identification and improvement of weak areas
- Logs provider actions, vital signs, CPR metrics, and comments
- Save, email, and print eCPR performance reports for debriefing and archiving
Upgrade to the New OMNI® 2
Upgrade your OMNI 1 capable patient simulator or skills trainer to the new OMNI 2 system and benefit from a host of new features including wireless connectivity, touchscreen interface, and virtual patient monitor support.

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