Skill Trainers
HAL® S1060 - Critical Care Procedural TrainerS1060Learn More
Introducing the HAL® S1060, a multi-disciplinary trainer for emergency and critical care procedural skills. The HAL S1060 enables comprehensive training in central venous catheter insertion (landmark and ultrasound-guided), needle decompression, thoracostomy, paracentesis, radial arterial line placement, and IV access - all in one user-friendly and powerful solution. HAL S1060 delivers unmatched procedure fidelity, helping trainees develop skills directly transferable to real-world scenarios.
Super OB SUSIE® S500.300 - Childbirth Skills Trainer TorsoS500.300.PKLearn More
The Super OB SUSIE® childbirth training torso is designed to aid educators teach labor and delivery management skills to learners of all levels. The anatomically accurate pelvis and full-term neonate allows learners to develop clinical skills transferable to scenario-based exercises.
ZOE® S504.200 - Gynecological Skills TrainerS504.200.PKLearn MoreThe ZOE® S504.200 simulator is an adult-sized lower torso designed to help learners practice gynecologic skills. The simulator's realistic anatomy and collection of pathologies help learners work hands-on and develop the clinical skills needed to provide safe and effective care for a variety of gynecologic procedures.
Blood Pressure Reading Skills Trainer with OMNI® 2 (S415.250)S415.250.PKLearn MoreThe Blood Pressure Training System with OMNI® 2 includes a full-size adult left arm that may also be attached to select Gaumard® adult simulators. This is a versatile training tool developed to assist health professionals teach the processes and skills required to perform blood pressure auscultation procedures and techniques. The package includes the new OMNI® 2 control tablet for simple, tap-and-go operation.
Advanced OB Susie® S500.200 - Childbirth Skills TrainerS500.200.PKLearn MoreThe Advanced OB Susie® S500.200 is a versatile childbirth simulator designed to allow participants to appreciate the complete birthing experience from the onset of labor, through delivery, and postpartum care. The OB Susie simulator's lifelike features ensure participants can go hands-on and practice the skills needed to provide safe and effective patient care during routine and difficult deliveries, even high-risk low-frequency events like vertex or breech deliveries. Participants can use real equipment to practice vacuum or forceps assisted deliveries and control postpartum hemorrhage.
Lumbar Puncture Skills Trainer S411S411.PKLearn MoreThe Lumbar Puncture Skills Trainer provides realistic tactile feedback combined with a fluid supply and pressure system, allowing the collection of CSF and measurement of opening pressure. Ideal for practicing injection of local anesthesia, aseptic technique, needle insertion between vertebrae, lumbar puncture, and epidural.
Advanced ZACK™ Multipurpose Men's Healthcare Task Trainer (S230.200)S230.200.PKLearn MoreThe Advanced ZACK™ Multipurpose Men's Healthcare Task Trainer is a full-sized, lifelike lower torso designed to help students and professionals learn and practice various men's health clinical procedures. The S230.200 has features that facilitate the hands-on acquisition of intimate clinical examination skills, including catheterization, testicular and prostate examination, vasectomy, and colonoscopy.
5-Year Pediatric IV and Arterial Access Training Arm S405.100S405.100R.PKLearn MoreThe new 5-Year Pediatric IV And Arterial Access Training Arm is a realistic and versatile task trainer designed for teaching intravenous and arterial access skills to learners of all levels.
S.M.A.S.H Advanced IV Training Arm (S402.100)S402.100R.PKLearn MoreGaumard's S.M.A.S.H. Advanced Patient IV Training arm was first introduced in 1986 to help train, teach, and practice IV administration. The latest improvement to this "world-class" standard offers realism in a sleek design. A micropump mounted within the simulator's shoulder delivers automatically generated arterial pulses at the radial and brachial sites and controls arterial blood flow by allowing variable heart rate and pulse strength. Interchangeable arterial and venous inserts within the forearm allow creation of arteriovenous (AV) fistulas and placement of AV grafts, while a simulated healed fistula insert provides a platform on which hemodialysis exercises can be performed. An additional multi-layer insert in the bicep area can be used for incision and suture training exercises.
Breast Palpation Skills Trainer Torso (S230.40)S230.40.PKLearn MoreGaumard’s new Breast Palpation Simulator for Clinical Teaching combines state-of-the-art materials to create a realistic look, feel, and texture, in addition to lifelike softness and durability. The simulator incorporates a combination of left and right breasts, including axilla regions, with a variety of masses that have distinct textures useful in recognizing normal and abnormal conditions. This simulator offers an excellent training platform on which breast examination techniques may be demonstrated.