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HAL® S1060 - Critical Care Procedural TrainerS1060Learn More
Introducing the HAL® S1060, a multi-disciplinary trainer for emergency and critical care procedural skills. The HAL S1060 enables comprehensive training in central venous catheter insertion (landmark and ultrasound-guided), needle decompression, thoracostomy, paracentesis, radial arterial line placement, and IV access - all in one user-friendly and powerful solution. HAL S1060 delivers unmatched procedure fidelity, helping trainees develop skills directly transferable to real-world scenarios.
SUSIE® S2400 - Comprehensive Patient Care SimulatorS2400.PKYour all-in-one simulation solution for comprehensive patient care training SUSIE® S2400 is a powerful and versatile training solution specifically designed to streamline high-quality simulation across nursing, allied health, and medicine. Featuring advanced clinical features and the new UNI® 3 control software, SUSIE S2400 enables immersive procedural and scenario-driven exercises using a single platform. This helps simplify your workflow and broaden your program's reach. Learn More
HAL® S5301 - Interdisciplinary and ImmersiveS5301.PKLearn More
Meet the most advanced interdisciplinary patient simulator in the world. From emergency care to ICU and med-surg training, HAL is engineered to fulfill educational objectives across clinical disciplines and blur the lines between simulation and real life. New conversational speech, lifelike motor movement, next-gen simulated physiology, UNI® 3, and many more industry-first capabilities usher in the next revolutionary leap in simulation.
Obstetric MR™ - Mixed Reality Training SystemOBMRLearn More
Obstetric MR™ is a next-generation mixed reality training solution for VICTORIA® S2200 designed to help learners bridge the gap between theory and practice faster than ever before. Using the latest technology in holographic visualization, Obstetric MR™ brings digital learning content into the physical simulation exercise, allowing participants to link knowledge and skill through an entirely new hands-on training experience. The future of labor and delivery simulation is here.
VICTORIA® S2200 - Wireless and Tetherless, Maternal and Neonatal Care Patient SimulatorS2200.PKLearn More
From early pregnancy complications, high-risk deliveries, and postpartum emergencies to non-gravid scenarios for general nursing care, Victoria simulates a full range of obstetrical events to facilitate teamwork and deepen critical thinking skills in learners of all levels.
More than a childbirth simulator, Victoria is a complete simulation solution
developed from decades of obstetrical experience. It is a comprehensive package of tools and support designed to help improve patient safety in women’s health through education and training.
Pediatric HAL® S2225 - Wireless and Tetherless Pediatric Patient SimulatorS2225.PKLearn MorePediatric HAL® is the world's most advanced pediatric patient simulator and the first capable of simulating lifelike emotions through dynamic facial expressions, movement, and speech. HAL is designed to help providers of all levels develop the specialized skills needed to effectively communicate, diagnose, and treat young patients in nearly all clinical areas.
Super TORY® S2220 - Advanced Newborn Patient SimulatorS2220.PKLearn More
Super TORY® is the first newborn simulator developed to meet the challenges of neonatal care specialist training in real environments. Active movement, true ventilator support, real patient monitoring, and all-day battery life. These are just a few of the revolutionary new capabilities which allow Super TORY to simulate complex pathologies and respond to interventions with unparalleled realism.
HAL® S3201 Advanced Multipurpose Patient SimulatorS3201.PKLearn More
The HAL® 3201 simulator sets a global standard for medical human patient simulation. Tetherless simulator technology allows the communications, compressor, and power supply to be inside HAL®, eliminating external tubes, wires, and compressors. HAL® operates continuously during transport and training can occur in the working environment. Rush HAL® from the accident scene to the ER, to the ICU, while care providers diagnose and treat his condition using real monitoring and resuscitation equipment. Control HAL® at distances up to 900 Ft. (300 m) and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings. HAL® smoothly transitions between physiologic states in response to commands from a wireless PC.
LungSim™ - In-hospital Mechanical Ventilator Simulator30081242ALungSim™ is a powerful, model-driven virtual mechanical ventilator simulator designed to provide simulation programs with a truly multimodal and cost-effective ventilator training solution. Go beyond training the basics of ventilator settings and modes. LungSim integrates with Gaumard patient simulators and accessories to create immersive, patient-based respiratory training scenarios at a fraction of the cost of other hardware-based ventilator simulators in the market today. Gaumard has partnered with Accurate Inc. to bring LungSim to over 15 Gaumard models, including adult, pediatric, and neonate patient simulators. Learn More
Gaumard Ultrasound™30081159ALearn MoreGaumard Ultrasound™ is a high-fidelity, portable ultrasound simulator specifically designed to immerse learners in realistic scenario-based exercises and aid the development of clinical skills transferable to the real world.